Monday, January 25, 2010

I Made a Post

I am looking forward to the new Conan O'Brien show sometime in 7 months. Hopefully it will be like his old late night show. The one that was actually funny, Co-Co can do some really good skits.

Kammryn and Zach. Sheezh! Talk about some spoiled rotten brats! I am to blame, says Misty how I don't exactly know, she's the one who likes cats not me.
I am having trouble teaching them the value of work. Any type of work! For the sake of Pete it would be a miracle blessing for me if Kammi would simply pick up her crap when she is done with her many Pica so-esk painting, coloring, and writing. The bum wrote her name on her bed sheet in yellow highlighter! I don't know if that crap will wash out, but she even left the marker on her bed cap off and fell asleep. She has acquired a canny nack for staying up late into the night, sometimes 2 0r 3 in the morning! I want to used drugs, but the FDA says no, and I am not going to jail for anyone.

Zach. Zach. Zach. Why won't this kid cause me some trouble? He's perfect, as far as 6 year olds go. Cleans up, does homework, and even tries to take care of his dirty laundry himself. Great kid, and I would love to trade his sister for a low maintenance model. Kam is cute, but low maintenance would fit better for me. Zach has out grown most of his pants. He is an enormous 6 year old. I hope this growth period doesn't stop at the 4Th grade (Misty) I don't think that is his fate, he eats like a horse. Sometimes I just put a feed bag around his muzzle and leave him for a 1/2 hour.

Our ward, has a lot of great people in it. Lots of faces I recognize but names are a blur. It's been a full year now that we have lived on Hudson Circle, rolls off the tongue real nice... Hudson Circle.
I still don't care much for scouts, parents are freaks and "gung-ho" or absolutely leave everything up to the leaders. Let me tell you something one of the many requirements is to cook a meal for your family. I can come cook you eggs for dinner but you ain't gonna like it much. Parents be involved, tons of scout crap is really up to you. I don't ever really care if Zach is an Eagle scout (unless he wants to be) but mostly it's up to the parents when your kid is a Cub Scout.

My green car is still on the road. We have owned this animal for 8 years of our almost 9 years of marriage (March 9 for those who are counting) When I say we, I really mean Misty. I have patched this car together and there is a lot to say about older model Toyota's on the road today. Great car and I plan on driving another one. We did however defect to Volkswagen. Really they should just call this car a LEGO since that is really how it is put together, sure there are fasteners and welds, but I had the whole front end disassembled to fix a leak in no time. I should be a mechanic, Haynes repair books are about the only thing I read.

March 9Th will be our 9Th year of marriage. It's been a lot of up's down's sideways and backwards times. Mostly because of money I didn't have any. Misty and I have a relationship that most people want, well too bad get your own or work on the one you already have. I really like what I got and I keep it safe.

Posting on Face book makes a lot more since to me because I can put stupid movie quotes and be done. I enjoy that on Face book, but not here unless I have pictures to go with it. Sorry to disappoint, but that is what YouTube is for anyway.

Thanks for listening.


Heather January 25, 2010 at 12:25 PM  

You're hilarious Dave! I love reading your posts.

Don't know what to tell you about your kids! Mine occasionally leave the lid off markers too (although not too often!) I have never yet had one write on their sheets (that I know of!) And Zach IS a big kid! I think it's awesome!

And wow! I can't believe you have been married almost nine years! You guys are awesome!

Robert January 25, 2010 at 10:27 PM  

Just have a set time at the end of the day, say, 8:30 or something, that you go through the house, take everything she left out and put it in a bin and she can have it back at the beginning of each week. Yeah, she'll pout, but she pouts when you ask her to pick it up too. Oh, and make sure to add anything Zach has to put away for her too, he's too nice that way. negrogy.

Dave January 26, 2010 at 11:38 AM  

Thanks Heather, I think I need to mention that for money, the kids will now put the caps on the markers, and pick up.

Yeah right! 8:30 bed time, that is the time when I want their beautiful little faces out of mine.

Dave January 26, 2010 at 11:38 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristin Sokol January 26, 2010 at 1:21 PM  

Tell me what you really think.

Didn't Misty have that car before your marriage?

Member that time we hit a skunk in it gettin pops from Plain City? Stunk up the whole back side of Harrison Heights. Fun times.

Anyway...I just love you guys. Hope you get more money, then your life really would be perfect. I'm glad you love each other. Money can't buy that.

Misty Moncur January 26, 2010 at 2:46 PM  

Yes, yes I did have that car before we got married.

Annie January 26, 2010 at 5:23 PM  

i think you ought to try a malibu! as for kami's stuff, just throw it away. maybe after one or two times she will learn. maybe not. but after a while, she won't have any more stuff to leave out! good luck on that one. and here's to more money, all around!!

Dave January 27, 2010 at 9:46 AM  

Here is an awe moment for everyone...
I have great friends, great family, and a really cool wife.

Kristin, your right about the time line for the green maw chine.

Are you kidding me? Malibu, what word association comes to mind, hmmm... Malibu + Chicken = poop

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