Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blog's and Youtube.

These two youtube posts are some of my favorite. I just wanted to share the comedy of Conan, because that's one awesome giant leprechaun. I think old Conan is much better as far as comedy skits go then the Conan of the Tonight Show era. Too bad about that, I still haven't watched two minutes of Jay Leno. Suck it hard Leno.
The other guy is equally funny. AC/DC is one of my favorite metal bands, but this guy hits the nail on the head, all metal songs are crappy in some form or another. Metal is about being loud after all, not soft and cute like country music.

I also have a grip against handy cap's. Handicap. What words comes to mind for you? For me, I think of a serious disability, uncomfortable set back, discouragement, and Tiger Woods.
Now when I say the word parking with the word handicap what do you think of? I think provided, looked out for, elderly, physically inept. I however also think anger, frustration, and I have more insurance so beat it or I'm going to beat that shinny red VW bug into pieces!

Have a look around while at your favorite grocery store and just see what types of vehicles are parked in the handicapped spaces. I am amazed to find fancy pants cars, and huge trucks. I always expect a mini-van with the slide out ramp, but only on occasion have I actually witnessed a true handicap vehicle occupying a handicap parking spot.

Often times it's a perfectly able person who walks upright, and appears perfectly healthy. When I see cars parked in a handicap space I want to see a gimpy person with a peg leg. Com'on what does an average white guy gotta do to get some respect? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here, I mean the sign clearly has a picture of a wheelchair. So give me a wheelchair effort here people.


Misty Moncur May 19, 2010 at 12:22 AM  

I have too not watched two minutes of Leno and I never will. Not only have I not watched Leno, I have not watched two minutes of NBC. That's right, you heard me, I will boycot NBC for the rest of my life. I think Conan's worth at least that much.

We must remember, when we discriminate against the handy caps, that we must discriminate against the people not the cars.

Heather May 19, 2010 at 2:42 PM  

That's interesting, Misty. I didn't think I was THAT much older than you, but Conan drives me up a wall! I probably ONLY watched two minutes of Conan before I had to turn it off. Something about him rubs me the wrong way, I guess. He's just not that funny. Well, maybe in a 10-year-old boy kind of way. That being said, I think what the network did with him and Jay was crappy and classless and I can certainly understand your frustration. (Although Numb3rs is on NBC, so I'm not sure I could boycott it...oh, wait...they canceled Numb3rs! Nevermind!)

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