Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Quiet Example of the Gospel

Today is my father's viewing, Thursday our family will put him to rest. To my brothers and sister that might read this I want to say that dad was a great example to me of service, leadership, and gospel example. I have told my brothers and sister that my dad was the real reason I chose to go on a church mission. That after my first semester at Twin Falls I had found my dad's stake missionary papers and saw that he had served. My dad never told me this, and I wonder exactly how those papers got mixed in with my financial aid papers? I am going to miss my dad immensely, but I don't really feel a permanent loss. I understand how death is part of our heavenly father's eternal, perfect plan for true happiness. Our father in heaven wants all of his children to be happy, I am sad that my dad's life here on earth is over, but I really wonder about the awesome things he is doing now. How wonderful to know that his existence is never ending. My dad served in eight bishopric's I think, He never complained, and he always set a good example with his actions not his words alone. I will miss my dad but look forward to seeing him again. Brian, Gary, and Ann thank you for all your love, and thank you to all those who offered prayers, and thoughts to me in behalf of our family.


Misty Moncur April 16, 2008 at 10:38 PM  

Your dad really was a good example and had a lot of love for you guys.

Robert April 17, 2008 at 8:36 PM  

Thanks for this post. I needed to hear that today. Dad's really are special, they can love and serve like nobody else. I only saw your dad a couple times, but he always seemed very kind and considerate. So thank you, Dave. Thanks for being a good dad to those kids of yours. I've seen you go through a lot of tough times but I couldn't imagine a better example for them.

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