Thursday, July 24, 2008


So I am at the soda store getting a cold Dr. Pepper, as I make my way to the cash register I meet another person at the same register. There becomes a moment when it is about to be awkward because someone is going to have to give up the high ground, the right of way to the register first. So I did, I said, "please go ahead" to which I got in reply, "are you sure?" I had to think, why would anyone say that when the green light and right of way was clearly given to them? Why question the fact that I gave that awkward moment a chance to be less awkward by letting the person go ahead of me. Why am I the one getting questioned about being sure? I felt confident enough. Thought it threw in a second, made a decision and went with it. But now I had to see if I truly was sure, as if I needed a lawyers permission, and it isn't like I was giving up a million dollars, I simply wanted that person to finish up so I could pay for my Delicious soda. I didn't want to pay extra for putting up with a question about being sure. Just another set back that kept me from drinking my soda. My soda, cold, goodness soda. No kids asking for a drink from my soda, only me. So my second reply was "yep" but really I was thinking, "I'm sure gonna kick you in the nut if you don't move it." Another thing about being helpful, if I fix your kids bike one time don't think that I am all of the sudden your handy man. In Grantsville, if you open the door for people and you get out of the way so they may pass you and they instead open the other door, that must really mean they are French, and we all know the French are a-holes.


Gary July 26, 2008 at 3:18 PM  

that was funny. I know what your talking about. I had an encounter a little like that. It was a very cold day and I came uip to the door at work. I opened the door for this lady and I found out that she was very feminist and wanted to open the door for herself. I said go right one in,she got up set and said what you dont think I can open the door for myself? " I said I was just being polite. she insisted I go in first. I told her you bet I will cus its freaking cold. that showed her LOL

Misty Moncur July 26, 2008 at 6:56 PM  

That lady was a butthole.

Kristin Sokol July 28, 2008 at 2:52 PM  

Mmm...Soda. I prefer diet A&W.

Misty Moncur July 31, 2008 at 10:18 AM  

This reminds me of a boy in highschool who would tell me something and I would say "really?" and he would say sarcastically "No, not really."

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