Thursday, July 31, 2008


Welkom, we vite you join us far dinner. You wrike noodle? Aren't accents the best?!
There is this little 'ol oriental food joint near my work that I sometimes use for lunch, because you can get won-ton and three other items under five bucks. Sure the burn from your gut might end up killing you later, but from time to time I like to think I live life on the edge. So I am going back to school, this fall. School is like that black hole in one's life that doesn't seem to end but sucks up your whole universe. I will admit that I have been a "late bloomer" in regards to the education achievement. I blame Idaho, and my children. Which is my right as their gene carrier. When I get a dog, I will blame all my farts on that animal, until then Kami is known to really light up a room. Weber State has a lot of good classes online which I think is the only way to get your lower division stuff done. Sometimes I am really jelious of the one's who get all the education done, then start families. I really admire the one's who do the family, and the education at the same time. Don't you agree that at times you feel as if you are trying to run a race that never ends, and all the bottle water along the way is just stale SLC County water making the running of the race that much more of a challenge? I took a few a.p. classes in high school, why? because the baseball coach was the teacher and it turned out to be an easy B+ for me. The real dumb thing is I never took the test for the collage credit. Misty, this is the part in the show where you stamp "ASS" across my picture like on Conan. That really is good comedy. Back to that black hole idea, Burley, Idaho the place of my childhood. I do think of it as a "Mayburry Hell" because of the limits I felt at the time, were placed upon me while I was growing up. Ask my brothers and sister. Testify. So here I am, with a wife and kids (sounds like a sit-com) and I am complaining about going back to school. Everyone does it, but this is my blog so I am making this my opportunity to complain online. All the ifs in life and the might haves don't make complaining worth the time I have spent typing this message, so I will say that although life is what you make it to be, in the end it isn't going to matter much if there isn't a girl in it.
(that one's for you Misty)


Robert August 1, 2008 at 12:42 AM  

Here here! I totally agree with the things you said and such. I'm glad I've gotten most of my education done, though, after 4 years I don't think it's gonna help me much, and still no wife.. or kids. Just remember "life's a dance you learn as you go, sometimes you lead, and sometimes you fol low"

Dave August 1, 2008 at 7:08 PM  

Words to live by...lead on brother, lead on!

The Eggleston family August 3, 2008 at 9:02 PM  

Don't be surprised if you get done and go "I never wanted to be this! What's next?!" That's where I am right now.

And I do have to say amen to that last little part about the girl. I waited a little too long and am a shmcuk for doing so. But I'm a very lucky shmcuk!

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