Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Do You Smell That?


What the hell died in the trash can this afternoon? Did someone think it was okay to take a 'terd in our can? People in Africa could smell our can! I don't know exactly what was decomposing in our can, but whoa!

When I first moved to Ogden in '99 I was told about a phenomenon called "lake stink". If your from Utah, particularly the Washatch front, you know what it is. For the ignorant, it is a putrid stink from a stale, salt water lake. Some say it is attributed to the brine shrimp and the mud of the lake, I say it is a terrorist attack or a cruel joke played by God. The lake was a stinkin' late this evening, causing one to think that someone ate too many beans and got kicked out of the house or that Paul Bunion's blue ox really exists and likes to use the Great Salt Lake as a toilet. I have one more thing to mention, not of real use but here in the swamp of Stansbury Park we are a fortunate people, so fortunate as to have an old guy driving around in a small truck with what looks like a giant arosol can filled with bug spray fogging up the roadways. It's great but don't breathe that stuff in, also I wondered what would really happen if the Dougway place imploded, what sorta freaks would we become then?


Misty Moncur June 25, 2008 at 10:47 AM  

Maybe it's just that it's warming up that the garbage is stinking. Also, I threw away some bones from pork chops and they still had a lot of raw meat I couldn't get off of them. That could be the cause of the putrifying smell. Just be glad we're not those people with dirty diaper stink in the trash.

Annie June 25, 2008 at 11:17 AM  

Is that was smelling? I wondered!!!

I don't think I want to be in Tooele when Dugway explodes...maybe after I leave it can happen. Thanks.

Dave June 25, 2008 at 12:34 PM  

Ewww! Raw meat? Yes I am so glad we are not burdened with child and child poo. I am far to pleased with, "dad I'm done!"

you can't leave Tooele Valley just yet! There is so much more to enjoy, like...well..ehm...maybe it is a good time

Kristin Sokol June 25, 2008 at 4:09 PM  

Don't ya just hate the smell of meat stink.

Sometimes with out thinking I throw a scrap of chicken yack down the disposal side of the sink. Then two days later I realize what I have done because is smells like dead bodies in the house.

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