Friday, June 6, 2008

Blog comments

I was thinking about my blog, your blog, all blogs in general. How people's lives are spilled out in paragraphs, pictures, and links. I think it is all interesting to see what people are thinking, feeling, struggling with, and all the comments. Comments are a great way to sorta play tag with each other. I read, comment, then post and comment. Who would think that the word "post" would mean anything other then something a mail box would rest on? I enjoy the fact that I can look at all the blogs out there on the Internet, browse and then bolt. Cruel, because no trace of me (my comment) was left? Maybe, because it appears that most blogs are for family. Families are a neat thing to be a part of, your never alone. Not even in the bathroom. I was also thinking about faith, thanks Rob for your "post" but in relation to marriage. I have a busted up green/gold Toyota Camry, not busted up beyond, but in need. Not charity, but in need of unconditional love. Misty mentioned to me that every time I work on something to do with the car, she worries about the outcome. Rightfully so because I am not a certified anything, although I feel that I am a master of the shovel and small tools. Having heard this from my eternal companion/best friend/wife/mother of my children/my everything I was a little crushed, but she did say something to the effect of that I always end up right. But my thought about faith remains, don't we all have to have faith in each other without question? Should I be completely unquestionable in Misty's abilities? Don't I have the right to fail and learn? I know she is better at things like putting the kids to bed then I am, but I would hope that she would have enough faith in my ability to do the same. Faith is not an easy thing to come by and I am finding out more with marriage and kids that faith is the basic fundamental foundation of my life. I don't like the fact that I have to have faith in others to to help my family, but the gospel says I have to have faith in the sunbeams teacher to help me teach my daughter about Jesus. It is easy to love, but trust must be earned. hard lesson to learn but how valuable if you can become trustworthy. Anyway just some random thoughts to "post".


Robert June 7, 2008 at 8:04 PM  

Tag. You're it. Thanks for your post. I hope that faith and trust aren't the same thing, because there are definitely people I don't trust, but I have faith that they are children of the same God. I too find blogs interesting. Through blogs I have learned so much about the people closest to me.. and the people closest to them. So, post on and comment on. I know it gives me strength just knowing that someone reads what I write, even if they don't comment.

Misty Moncur June 8, 2008 at 1:23 AM  

Sweety, I think I was pointing out how different we are. You are trial and error and triumph in the end, and I am think about it until it's grown roots, lived, and died, and then analyze why it happened the way it did. You see? And also I think I was pointing out my own flaw in that I won't do anything unless I feel I can do it right the first time. Which is no way to live. I admire your ability to just dig in and get'r'done. Don't you know that?

Dave June 8, 2008 at 9:30 PM  

thanks babe, I do now.

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